SPIRITUAL TWINS a.k.a. TWIN SOULSBy Jade Marcus KennyFrom a channeled message from Archangel Michael transmitted through Ronna Herman in January, 2007: "You must be making a concerted effort to return to harmony and balance within your own Being in order to be ready to connect with your Divine counterpart (Twin Flame)" From a channeled message from Archangel Michael transmitted through Ronna Herman in December, 2006: "Now, a most wondrous gift is being offered to you, the ability to reconnect with your Twin Flame and to experience the ecstasy of Sacred Love. No longer do you have to feel lonely or hunger for loving acceptance and validation of your worthiness. No longer do you have to yearn for fulfillment, and desire someone in the physical to reflect back to you your beauty or give you a sense of belonging."
Our universe operates under certain eternal principles or laws. One of these principles or laws is the law of duality. Some examples of polarities are light/dark, positive/..negative, yin/yang, male/female, proton/..electron, heaven/earth, sun/moon, Alpha/Omega, God/Goddess and so forth. The female principle is the yin principle and the male principle is the yang principle. The female or yin principle encompasses certain tendencies, functions, movements, directions and vibrations as does the male principle. For example, the female principle encompasses centripetal force, expansion, lighter in weight, colder, darker, wetter, softer, more hollow and expansive, etc. The male or yang principle encompasses centrifugal force, contraction, heavier in weight, hotter, brighter, drier, harder, more compacted and condensed, etc. Each and every human has a spiritual counterpart or twin that is their exact polar opposite. You were created together in the image of Father/Mother God when Father God impregnated Mother God and she gave birth to you as a Divine Spark literally eons ago. Each Divine Spark or Monad that issued from Mother/Father God, fragmented itself into higher selves and from there, into twin soul sets. When you and your twin finally separated from each other, one twin polarized to the yin or female side and one twin polarized to the male or yang side. However, each twin half is neither solely yin or yang and each twin half has within them both the masculine energies of Father God and the feminine energies of Mother God. Before one can reconnect and realign fully with their twin soul, they must have their own male/female energies in harmony and balance. This is sometimes referred to as being in bi-gender balance or spiritual wholeness.
Twin Souls are linked together throughout eternity, even when they are physically apart. No matter how far the twins are from each other, they are eternally connected to one another by a silvery/blue cord which can NEVER be severed. They are also connected to their higher selves by a similar silver cord which is attached to the crown chakra. Our happiest and most natural state is to be in oneness with our twin soul and also our higher self. Each I AM Presence or Divine Spark birthed from Father/Mother God contains a total of 144 individual personalities. Each I AM divided into 12 branches which are called Higher Selves or Oversouls. Then each Higher Self or Oversoul broke down into 6 hermaphroditic soul extensions. Upon the final descent into matter, each of the six hermaphroditic souls made the final and very painful separation into male and female twin souls or flames. You and your twin soul or twin flame together are one of the six pairs in your primary soulmate group. The other 5 sets of twins in your primary soulmate group are known as your "near twins".
Since each I AM Presence contains 144 individuals in total, the other 132 outside of your primary soulmate group in your Soul Group are known as your secondary soulmates. As one ascends and takes in more of God's light and balances their male and female energies within themselves, they begin to reconnect with their twin soul, their higher self and their soul group. When one finally reconnects with their twin soul and both halves are in bi-gender balance, there is a feeling of ecstatic, blissful love which cannot be described in mere words. The love between twin flames is "Sacred Love". Twin souls have deep unconditional love for one another and their love is eternal, pure and the highest form of love. Their love is “divine” in nature and is representative of the love the creator has for you. Many humans are currently in the process of ascending and they in turn will help others to ascend. It is like a chain reaction. As we enter this new Age of Aquarius, also known as the “enlightened era”, ancient truths will be coming back into the light and out of the darkness. Many twin souls are beginning to align with their counterparts as well as their higher selves and their soul group. This process is currently underway. We will be returning to a state of oneness with our spiritual twins and our higher selves and will regain full consciousness and awareness of our spiritual identities. Humanity will be experiencing a huge evolutionary leap in consciousness in this New Age. Our planet will also be ascending from 3rd dimension to 5th dimension.
The Mayans predicted this end of the old reality as we know it to commence on December 21, 2012. Their calendar ends on that date. This is the plan that Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator have for our entire universe in this new age. We will be entering a “New Reality”. It is time for an entirely new creation and humans will become co-creators and have the ability to create their own creations. Any healing/..balancing work on their own male/female energies that either twin does will naturally draw the other twin closer to them, therefore the healing/..balancing work that each twin does will expedite their eventual reunion. There is another reason that Twin souls are coming together at this particular point in humanity and earth’s evolution. According to Dr. Maurie Pressman and Patricia Joudry in their groundbreaking book, “Twin Souls: Finding Your True Spiritual Partner”, "it is believed by many that humanity is on the brink of a quantum leap in consciousness. Enlightened people are preparing themselves for this in their own ways, realizing it is time for us to awaken to our origins and our potential and take responsibility for ourselves and for the earth. We believe that twin souls have a special contribution to make; their coming together in numbers at this time has a reason at both the individual and planetary level. When twin souls join, they generate a vortex of energy that may be seen as a light in the darkness of society’s unconsciousness... In completing each other, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts: the two create three, and the third is a very potent force, a force of light and love at an extremely pure level.
This kind of energy, which partakes of the energy of both twins, is different from that of individuals or even groups of people working together. It is the special offering that the twins have to give to each other and expend in service to humanity. The image we see is that of a dark auditorium lit by an increasing number of individual flames. Each flame represents the conscious and harmonious relationship between twin souls. Eventually, as the twins multiply, there will be so many flames, so much light, and so much energy of that particular sort on the planet that this will act as a catalyst and help to bring about the expected breakthrough of consciousness..." * We are on the brink of a very exciting and positive time in the earth’s evolution and our own personal evolution. I for one am really looking forward to what is to come!
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