In a small town in the Dominican Republic called Villa Altagracia , Mrs. Maria A. Munos wife of Mr.Jaime De Jesus Rosario was Diagnosed that she was incapable of having children.This brought great pain to her heart, for her dream like many other marriages was to one day have a child.Maria was always a very spiritual person with great faith.This had been brought down to her from generation to genaration.One afternoon she kneeled down and asked God and Saint Altagracia (Altagrasia is the Dominican Republics official saint) To grant her the beautiful gift of baring a child, of becoming a mother.She maid a promise to name the child after the saint.After seven years of patiently waiting , not loosing faith and no medical intervention ,She became pregnant.This filled her with great joy.The pregnancy was natural and with no type of difficulties, until one day , in her thirds month ,as Maria was reaching for something she somehow slipped causing her what seemed to be a miscarige.She had excessive bleeding.All she could think about was how she didn't want to lose her baby.She was then rushed to the Hospital.After 3 days the bleeding stoped.The Doctor's came in her room and sadly informed her that she had unfortunately lost the baby.This brought her a great pain to her heart.But she still didn't lose hope because she new this child was a divine gift from God.
A little bit later a Specialist walks in the room and tells her that he wants to run some exams on her to make sure everything was okay and and in no type danger.To his surprise the baby that was said to be lost , in fact was still alive inside Maria's stomach.On September 2nd a small premature baby girl was born.Although very thin, she was very healthy and had a beautiful little face.The baby was named Lucy Tania Altagracia.From that very moment , Maria as well as her husband Jaime realized that this child brought them an unexplainable happiness.
The first years of Lucy's life had now began , filling her with much knowledge and intelligence far past her age.She now began to have visions.She experienced dreams in witch she would be giving a vision of things that had not yet happen , but would later on become true.She began to see and hear voices of people that had already passed away.People that she had never in her four years of life met before.She would describe these people to her mother , her mother would tell her who that person was and that the person that she had described, lived in their house many years ago and had passed away.Since the age of four, Lucy had a great desire to learn more about Spirituality.Things such as , learning about different religions,and attending different churches in the naihborhood.Catholic churches for example, witch was the religion of both her perents.Evangelical, for she loved the way they sang in the name of Jesus.With such enthusiasm and joy.She visited these different churches because she had much respect for all religions.She believed the important thing was that they carried out a positive message Of faith , love and respect towards God and mother nature.Strenth and hope for a better tommorow.She loved all religions.For in her eyes, there was just one religion, only one God.
She wanted to learn , love and protect nature.Althiough she was only four at the time, Lucy would wonder of to explore.The mountains, trees and rivers.She had great compassion for animals.She would take every chance she found , to help care for them.Everywhere she went , near and far, she would discover nethings.This would fill her with enthusiasm and joy.Something amazing was how the highest part of the entire town was the water tower , and lucy still just a little girl , would climb up all the way to the top.She believed she was closer to the sky this way.She would lay on her back and look up at the clouds.The height and the wind made her feel as if she had wings , as if she could fly and as if the sky was her real home.She felt a strong affection for the air ,the earth and the animals.She loved helping people , No matter who , no matter if she knew them or not , she would always find a way to help those she considered needed it.
A good example of this , in her town Villa Altagracia, there was only one cemetary.The keeper of the cemetery, a very old man with gray hair and a very tired face , was in charge of taking care of and cleaning the cemantary.He also was in charge of removing the bones out of the tombs when there time of being berried was up.This was necessary because there was but one cemetery for the entire town,so the would unfortunately have to make room for new bodies.Lucy had seen this old man several times and wanted to help.Normally any child or even safe to say, any adult would fear such a task.But not her , she had no fear, for she felt the need of helping him was much stronger the any fear.So not thinking it twice she begins to show up everyday to help.She helped dig out and excerpt the human bones and place them in a incinerator so that somebody else could take that place.She would have go about 7 feet under ground in order to reach the bones an pass them to the old man, but again she had left her fears aside.The only thing she knew was that she had to help this man and her drive t o do so blocked out any fears.This for many would be a nightmare.But to her the important thing was that this man was incapable of doing all this alone , for his age made it very hard for him to do so.
One day as she was getting ready to head to the cemetery,her best friend who was the same age as her, Asked if she could come along.although hesitant, Lucy finally decided to let her.Lucy had now been doing this for a few years , so she was already very use to it.However her inacense did not allow her to see the dangers in doing so.She did not consider the idea that she may catch something or get an infection.Without any gloves or any other type of protection , the girls began to help take out the bones.They later began feeling sick.They had high fever for several days.They where taken to the doctor and where diagnosed with very high fever and infection in their organism.The fever was so bad , that at some points they would hallucinated and lose all sense of what was going on or where they where.In the process of their sickness, Lucy has a revelation in form of a dream.In this dream she saw herself being cured.She would see her self well again but very sad.When she woke up, she no longer had a fever and was now completely cured. Unfortunately her dear friend passed away.
She now began to come into realization that something strange was happening,She could see things before they happened.And she knew something very special protected her.She felt very different then the other kids her age.As she saw in her premonition, she was well but very sad.She understood why now.It was because she would lose her best friend.She missed her friend dearly, but she also felt an inner peace that made her realize that her friend was going to be okay and that it was like her friend had gone to a better place where everything was alright now.After some time went by she has another revalation.She see's her self playing with her friend, she smiles at her and says "I love you ,it had it be this way, I'm alright".Her non-presence affected Lucy very much,and for a long period , Lucy no longer went exploring.She didn't go outside to breath in the pure air or Run and feel the smell of nature.Till one day she realized she could not live without these things , for they where a part of who she was.To feel the trees ,Hear the sound of the river run trough my her feet, and flying when ever she'd climb at the top of the water tower.But overall what she missed the most was helping others.
After living a happy yet weird childhood, because she did not like the things other little girls did.Like playing with dolls ext.
She liked the feeling of helping others and that was more then enough to make her feel happy.Lucy was now 15 years old.And she had now noticed that spirituality really attracted her.Everything she would ask for like , protection and health for her , her family and her friend's was granted by God.She began to experiment with new situations.Some made her feel happy because they were solutioned fast , and others where more like test so that she could learn.Some harder then other's.Specially when it came to love.She begins to understand that pain other can cause with lies and begins to notice that people are divided in good or bad ,negative and positive.Some that love and others that hate,some that help and some that destroy.She had now began her career in the university of life, with joy , sadness and surprcess.In the ened she will always ended up talking with her faith , with her God.And she would be sure that he always listened.She knew this because in the end there was always a solution.
All these things and so much more made her the women she is today.She understands most of the pain and suffering a lot of people deal with everyday,She graduated with honors in the university of life.But with the satisfaction of knowing that in the end everything is always alright , God never leaves us. And all those bad experiences we deal with helps us become stronger and better people and shows us to always fight for what we want.It make it clear to us that we are not victim's of those who harm us , For they are victim's of their selfs.We become better people and know God will help us , while those who cause pain in others must indoor pain inside of themselves and never feel the hope or faith that god will eventually make it go away.God never abandons us.
Today Lucy La Milagrosa still helps all those in need of help , with the help of God.Helps those that in one way or another need help in their personal life.Issues like Health , Problems in their love life , Luck ,etc...
Example:Health problems..All type of physical or internal issues.Problems like depression and stress among other things.
She offers spiritual help like cleaning of the aura and negative energy.Converting them into positive energy that flows in harmoby and full of light , luck ,love and properaty in everything you wish to accomplish in life.Let Lucy La Milagrosa help you in any situation to balance our energy in a positive way.To feel that happimess you so Yuri for and that really life inside each one of us.With the help of god , she will help you find it.
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